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Notice in relation to the Covid-19




   Notice in relation to the Covid-19 - Fom Industrie

Notice in relation to the Covid-19

contenimento del virus Covid-19

Notice in relation to the Covid-19

With reference to the situation indicated above and the provisions in the Order issued by the Ministry for Health with the approval of the President of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Authorities, we inform you that Fom Industrie has complied with the institutional provisions set up and has also implemented additional internal precautions.

All Fom Industrie staff have been informed of the proper preventive measures to be taken, through distribution of the Guidelines published by the Ministry for Health.

Cleaning of all areas (offices, manufacturing areas and canteen) has been intensified, increasing its frequency and introducing the use of specific sanitising products.

The Management, with the aid of the relevant corporate bodies, is monitoring the situation constantly and is in contact with the relevant trade association in order to guarantee full application of the most recent preventive measures. Fom Industrie’s offices and manufacturing facilities are open as usual.

We are continuing to work with care and professionalism to respond to your needs.

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